Anti Ageing and Rejuvenation

If given time and space, our body knows how to heal and cure itself. Medicines and procedures only assist in creating the right environment for the body to repair itself. The prime treatment in ayurveda is to reduce Ageing process and to boost and tone the immune system for a healthier life. Diseases are caused due to the toxin build-up in the body due to improper lifestyle and unwholesome food habits. The impact of toxins becomes stronger over a period of time and manifests as a disease. If there is a genetic predisposition then the impact of the toxin build-up becomes even more severe. During Ayurvedic treatment, the primary focus is to eliminate the toxins through the various panchakarma procedures. Once that is done, generally a reduction in symptoms is felt. In the second stage medicines are prescribed to help in building up the immunity power of the body. Finally Ayurveda insists on a wholesome lifestyle which will prevent a recurrence of the disease.

Rasayana chikitsa is the main part of the programme based on the panchakarma therapies and internal medications. The special treatment is to attain longevity and freedom from disorders by optimizing the strength of physique and sense organs. This treatment has tremendous scope in delaying the process of aging and building up immunity against lifestyle and degenerative diseases like Diabetes, hypertension, Cancer etc.

Duration: 14 days /21 days

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